Early Childhood Online Education Program for Adult Learners
These courses have been evaluated by the Connecticut Credit Assessment Program (CCAP) and recommended for credit. Those successfully completing the course with a grade of C or better wishing to receive college credit for the course can request the West Haven Child Development Center to submit an official transcript directly to the Registrar's Office at Charter Oak State College. Those who are not Charter Oak students must also request the Credit Registry service to transcribe the credit with Charter Oak. Additional fees apply and are paid directly to Charter Oak. Currently, Charter Oak charges $485 for this service.
These courses are perfect for those who have degrees in other subject areas and need early childhood credits to work in an early childhood program. Small class sizes and individualized attention are also helpful to those unsure of returning to school.
(WHCDC001) Introduction to Early Childhood Education This course provides an overview of early childhood education – the history, trends, theories, and philosophies embedded in evidence-based practices today. It includes an examination of different program types, working with diverse families, inclusion, licensing, advocacy, and professionalism.
(WHCDC002) Child Development
This course provides an overview of the physical, emotional, and cognitive growth and development of children from prenatal stages through age 8. It includes theories of child development and current related research. In addition to predictable stages of growth, students will look at the uniqueness of children, including special needs, temperament, learning styles, and multicultural experiences. This course requires students to do three one-hour observations of children at different stages of development.
(WHCDC 003) Infant and Toddler Care and Education
The course looks at the unique needs of infants and toddlers and how these needs can be met by responsive adults in appropriate environments. Incorporated into the course are the Connecticut Early Learning and Development Standards (CT ELDS), National Association for Education of Young Children (NAEYC) Accreditation Standards, and the National Resource Center for Health and Safety in Child Care and Early Education (NRC) Guidelines for Early Care and Education Programs. Students explore the role of the caregiver, developmental domains, optimal learning environments, routines, structure, licensing, and quality program components.
(WHCDC 004) Engaging Diverse Families through Home, School, and Community
This course explores the diverse family and community characteristics found in today’s early childhood programs. Students examine the benefits of developing program policies and classroom practices that support respectful, reciprocal relationships and empower families to be involved in their child’s development and learning. Addresses the barriers that may need to be overcome, and the support families may need to address the stress faced by today’s families. Professionalism and advocacy are also included.
(WHDC005) Technology in Early Childhood Education
This course will enable early childhood educators to define technology and gain competence in using technology in the early childhood classroom to promote learning, document learning, and to improve communication with families. It will include strategies to increase technology usage, digital literacy, and social skills in young children and parents as well. Participants will build a classroom curriculum and activities as assignments for use in the classroom.
(WHCDC 004) Engaging Diverse Families through Home, School, and Community is the next course due to run beginning September 13, 2021 for eight weeks. The Registration fee is $200. For more information, contact westh@snet.net.